πŸ¦ΈπŸ»β€β™€οΈ design specs & constraints for enabling minimum viable vocational economies

draft link: https://medium.com/@cassiuscarvalho/design-specs-constraints-for-enabling-minimum-viable-vocational-economies-d4dda4867e23

more to add: measuring GDP.

how money can be beautiful: sacred economics.

our economic system has an extractive, scarce worldview. abundance isn't having "infinite", "more than you need".

-> how to enable that sacred economy? + how to economically viabilize working on your ikigai?

(minimum/gradual steps?)

this is a real challenge that i've struggled with a lot, not sure i found a comprehensive answer yet, but i did find a lot of possibilities/hints.

funding the commons -> gitcoin, tea.xyz.

8 forms of capital
fluxonomia 4d
metacurrency project
library of economic possibility
gitcoin coordination mechanisms list
the field of refi as a whole + facilitation methodologies such as pedagogia da cooperação
